Energy Saving Tips During Hot Summer Days

Close up of thermostat set at 69 degrees

Winter may not be the same for everyone in the United States; however, summer heat is abrasive in its own way everywhere. From damp and humid to dry and hot, we as humans beat the heat by cranking the air conditioning and plugging in fans, much to the dismay of our financials.

Energy savings during summer is not always contingent on brand new high-efficiency HVAC equipment. In all climates across the country, there are simple, often overlooked measures that you can take to save money on your energy bill.

Some of these tips are as easy as unplugging a device or turning something down; however, bear in mind that others might call for some light handiwork. If you are unsure about doing it yourself, contact us at Total Comfort Heating and Air Conditioning for assistance!

Think Critically To Stay Cool

More often than not, energy savings during summer starts with conservative use of your thermostat. The second the temperature skyrockets outside, many turn up the air conditioning to build their cool safe haven away from the heat.

However, one exceptional way to keep things cool and, depending on your location, moderate the humidity, is to have your thermostat set more closely to the outside temperature and utilize a fan to keep the air moving. This facilitates a cooler temperature than the thermostat is actually set to while ensuring adequate energy savings.

Another way to think critically about keeping your summer energy bill down is by installing window treatments to manage interior temperatures. Roller shades are manufactured to keep the sun out however much you desire, utilizing fabric that is built to last.

Check For Air Leaks

To expand further on energy savings as it pertains to windows, sometimes a simple window treatment isn’t the only solution. It pays to evaluate the quality of your windows themselves, both inside and outside.

Caulk grows old and brittle over time, so if you notice air leaks by feeling for air moving through the seams of your windows, adding weatherstripping or fully replacing the weathered caulk prevents energy loss due to poor sealing characteristics.

Air leaks are not only constrained to windows; anywhere there is a noticeable enough break in the seal standing between your interior and exterior contributes to energy loss. For example, during all seasons throughout the year, tons of energy loss can be traced to your attic. Checking both for air leaks and the quality of insulation in your attic helps in identifying pertinent issues.

Bringing Total Comfort To Kentucky 

We at Total Comfort Heating and Air Conditioning pride ourselves in quality service at the most reasonable prices in Kentucky.

From residential work to emergency ventilation, we have grown into Madison County's best and largest heating and air conditioning company, making sure you stay comfortable no matter what the weather!

If you need to correct an energy loss issue in your home or simply want an evaluation to determine where you can improve, call us at 859-624-0903 or visit our website.


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