Summer Cooling Tips

Man and woman on couch enjoying cool air

Across Madison County, air conditioners have been cranked up to keep our home cool and comfortable as the summer brings increased heat and humidity. The rising temperatures can also mean an increase in your air conditioning expenses - but it doesn’t have to. It is possible to be comfortable in your own home without burning a hole in your wallet. 

Here are some tips to keep your energy cost low while staying cool your home this summer:

Check Air Filters
One of the easiest fixes from an expensive energy bill is cleaning or changing your air filters. When your air filters are too dirty, they restrict airflow and are unable to work efficiently, resulting in a hot, uncomfortable home. A dirty, inefficient filter compromises your indoor air quality, as it is unable to trap and eliminate allergens and pollutants. This is especially important if someone in your home has asthma or suffers from allergies. Dirty filters can also damage your AC system, potentially leading to expensive repairs. A standard air filter should be changed every three months, but if you have pets or have allergies, it should be changed more frequently. 

A Degree of Difference
Setting your thermostat just one degree warmer likely won’t feel much different to you, but it to your AC unit. The one-degree change will prevent your system from being overworked, and thus, use less energy. Not only will this help you save money, but it can also help you adopt a habit of checking your thermostat regularly. According to Energy Star, the ideal temperature for your home during the summer is 78 degrees. 

Install a Smart Thermostat
If you’re not on top of checking your thermostat, it might be time to invest in a smart or programmable thermostat. Smart thermostats are designed to help you use less energy while keeping your home at a perfect temperature. Comfort control technology allows you to set a schedule for your home’s cooling and heating needs. For example, you can set your thermostat for a warmer temperature while you’re at work and program it to cool down before you arrive home. A smart thermostat can save you up to $180 per year on your utility bill, providing comfort for both your home and wallet. 

Reduce Appliance Use
Using your appliances during the day will only make your home warmer, especially if the weather forecast calls for a scorcher. To avoid heating up your home, prepare a meal that doesn’t require heat - or better yet, take advantage of the summer and grill out. If you need to run the dishwasher or do a load of laundry, opt to use them in the evening when the temperature is cooler. For maximum efficiency, only wash full loads of clothes and dishes. 

Go Green
In this case, going green means getting in touch with your inner gardener. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, trees and other foliage provide up to 10 percent more coverage from direct sunlight. Planting trees and bushes in front of your south-facing windows can reduce your A/C costs while helping to keep your home cool. 

Regular Maintenance
An annual tune-up of your air conditioner can help improve efficiency and comfort as well as catching any issues that could prevent your AC from functioning properly. It’s never too late to schedule your check-up. Our HVAC professionals can examine your system to ensure it will keep your home for the summer.    

At Total Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning, we pride ourselves in quality service at reasonable prices. From residential work to emergency ventilation for healthcare facilities. We have grown into Madison County's best and largest heating and air conditioning company. We make sure you stay comfortable, no matter what the weather. Call us at 859-624-0903 or visit our website.


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